How to Control Moles in Your Garden

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If you are having problems with moles but do not want to use poisons, there are some things you can do that are environmentally friendly and humane. Here are some tips on how to control moles naturally.
1. Get a cat. Really – just the smell of a cat about the place will keep moles at bay. But most cats will actively hunt the moles as well.
2. Plant castor bean plants near your garden. Bear in mind that castor bean plants, while attractive, are poisonous. So if you have small children or animals that may ingest the plant, this is not a good option. Castor bean plants do repel moles, though.
3. Castor oil is a less toxic natural option. Mix 3 tablespoons of liquid dishwashing soap with a cup of castor oil. Stir in a...
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